The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3371   Message #16781
Posted By: Bo
27-Nov-97 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: Captain Jack and the Mermaid by Meg Davis
Subject: RE:
Simply, Meg Davis is trying to assert her rights as creator of the song. The popularity of a piece is a great thing but sometimes people abuse the creator of a piece by imagining they have no responsibilities to him\her. Either by mistake or ill will some people ('DeDannan' in this case) are trying to use and profit from Meg's Song without giving Her credit and\or a share of their profits.

Public domain songs are songs that have been released into our culture as group property. This happens if the writer releases the song as a gift to the world or if a number of years pass after the author's death.

I hope this is settled quickly for Meg Davis and that fairness wins out. She has been very generous with her work for non profit performance and has given a lot of joy to a lot of people. I'd hate to see her burned for it.

Respectful and fair treatment of intellectual property is VERY, VERY, IMPORTANT especially to places like the Digitrad.

BO (OK I'll get off the soap box now.)