The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89049   Message #1678463
Posted By: Donuel
25-Feb-06 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: LSD and psychotherapy
Subject: RE: BS: LSD and psychotherapy
To visit your ancestors for a day try
IBOGAINE....but cha gotta go to the Netherlands. This is the one I alluded to earlier as effective for compulsive addictions.

If ya wanna visit little clown gnomes for 7 minutes try DMT. Easily available at your ornamental grass store.

If ya wanna visit entities of a particular area try Brugsmania flower tea/wine. Easily available at tropical plant stores. Similar to Jimson weed's scopalamine however you will not be able to bring the experience back for examination or reflection. What happens there stays there.

IF you need lasting answers to particular questions then Amazonian Cubensis is reliable. Easily and legally available by mail.

If you are more inclined to enjoy unique electronic induced perceptions you could try a device I accidently invented that causes synthesisia. If you are not already a synthete, the effect will transfer senses into other senses, like turning sounds to color or colors to sound, or smells to bodily sensation etc.