The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89049   Message #1679505
Posted By: autolycus
26-Feb-06 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: LSD and psychotherapy
Subject: RE: BS: LSD and psychotherapy

You called me?


P.S. My first post came out to brief and thus unclear.

I wanted to say that one can really strip oneself right down PSYCHOLOGICALLY without recourse to drugs.

The therapy I do is the hard stuff, Gestalt. Hard stuff in the sense that practitioners of other therapies find our approach rather strong for their stomachs, tho' simultaneously, they are intrigued and usually want to know more.

Doing my course (five years, since you ask) involved being in the client place a lot of the time, doing my therapeutic work (working on my own issues). It was often the most joyous thing I've ever experienced (I was in my 50s when I took the course), and often I brought right up to things I didn't want to know about.

The difference netween me on the course, and a client in the world, is that I elected to see what was there, whereas a client doesn't have to do what they don't want to.

Also Mrzzy, Gestalt Therapy doesn't 'do it' for you or 'to you', as your first post implied you might want.

Finally, if you were my client, I'd say you don't 'have' to grow up. In Gestalt, the choosing is always in the hands of the client. And that is one of those questions hard to take in societies like those of the West, where people are positively encouraged to find someone or something else to blame

When we blame, we are refusing to take OUR responsibility. That's not the same as THE responsibility. Nor the same as being the one at fault.
