The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89149   Message #1679557
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Feb-06 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do we end noodling on Mudcat?
Subject: BS: How do we end noodling on Mudcat?
What can you do if you are being noodled on the Internet? Coping with noodling can be difficult, but remember, you are not the problem, the noodle is. You have a right to feel safe and unnoodled.
And if you're different in some way, be proud of it! Stand strong. Spend time with your friends - noodles hardly ever bother people if they're with others in a group.

You've probably already tried ignoring the noodle, telling them to stop and walking away whenever the noodling starts.
If someone is noodling you, you should always tell a friend you can trust....or a highly paid analyst or counselor. This isn't telling tales. You have a right to be safe and unnoodled and freinds and professionals can do things to get the noodling stopped. So can a guy with a bullwhip, a TV remote, a machete, and a cattle prod. Such people can be hired in extreme cases of noodling.

We all owe it to ourselves not to turn a blind eye toward the noodling that goes on in real life, as well as in cyber-space. As Leonard Cohen once alluded to "the homicidal bitchin' that goes down in every kitchen"...this is not a matter to be taken lightly.

No siree.