The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89133   Message #1679698
Posted By: Wolfgang
26-Feb-06 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are all bigots male?
Subject: RE: BS: Are all bigots male?
I love these threads. They are the comic relief each day anew. A week without Shambles' complaints is a dull week. The pompousness, the questions to which there is no clear answer (I'll never forget when I answered one of his questions with a single word, 'yes', and he had to ask back what I meant because he did not understand a simple response response to one of his own questions; my God, how have I laughed then!), the statements with a question mark, the presuppositional questions, the self help threads (like the one about bullying), the interruption of threads with nonsensical links or quotes,...

My only complaint is that on days with time pressure I have difficulties to find Shambles new haunt. Though the theme never varies he manages to word the titles so cleverly misleading that on some days I had the feeling that I must have missed his newest contributions.

On these days I wish that these threads were marked in (brown?) colour so I can find them easily or that all his contributions were transferred to the old

The Shambles whine about Mudcat thread.
