The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89226   Message #1681635
Posted By: Anonny Mouse
28-Feb-06 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: pills for depression
Subject: RE: BS: pills for depression
Dealt with this a lot of my adult life--there are indeed pills, many of which are NOT addictive, will NOT turn you into something else, and WILL help; had a Dr. Friend who told me there are something like 45 receptors in your brain, controlling certain chemicals, excretions etc. like seratonin, nor-epinephrine, etc. One gets out of whack and it can domino into all the others, and create a depressive state. TALK to your Dr. Don't be shy about talking to a psychiatrist (someone who has an M.D. and can prescribe!!), and you may find something out there to balance things for you. My sister and Mom were on such--they boosted certain chemicals and whatnot-and worked-they were inexpensive, non-addictive, and only changed things for the better. They WON'T make you into something you're not! BTW, go to that site they are pushing their own drugs, the information is worthwhile. You needn't suffer! Depression is a treatable illness-NOT a character flaw.