The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1682089
Posted By: *daylia*
01-Mar-06 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
What's usually found in newspapers and magazines are solar horoscopes - predictions based on where the sun was when you were born. Interesting, maybe good for a bit of fun but seriously, any "horoscope" based only on the position of the sun is so general and vague they are best described as "silly". IMO.

Natal astrology, on the other hand, is much more detailed and accurate than a solar horoscope. In natal astrology, a complete chart is drawn up showing the position of the sun, moon and all the planets at your exact moment of birth. Place of birth is also very important - it gives the sign of the Ascendant (the constellation appearing over the horizon as you were born) and the position of the 12 "houses" on your individual chart. The sign and aspect of the sun, moon, the Ascendant and (some say) Saturn are the most important factors on any chart. And that's why some people born while the sun was in "Aries", for instance, do not show many typical "Aries" traits.

Like me. I was born March 24 -- (sun in the Fire Sign Aries) --- but --- the moon (ruling emotions) was in the Earth sign Taurus, and the constellation appearing on the horizon (the Ascendant) was in the Air sign Gemini. So my "fire" (ego, will) is often dampened by a penchant for pleasure, laziness, relaxation and all the "good things in life" (Taurus) and by a need to dig out and investigate and understand "both sides of the coin" in all things (Gemini). I'm actually more like a Gemini than an Aries ....

But again, a natal chart is NOT a prediction. It's more a description of the "house" you live in, the "playing field" it's on and the basic equipment you came in with. What you choose to do with that particular equipment, in that particular house on that particular playing field is totally up to you. Free will rules!

This is one the best astrology sites on the web, imo --- Astrodienst. Enter your birth time and place, and the computer calculates your complete Natal Chart, free of charge. Then you can study your Personal Portrait, for a detailed description of your Sun, Moon, Ascendant, position of houses and most important aspects (the angles planets make to one another). Try it for someone you know well too, and see how accurate the description is. But you WILL need the exact time (up to the minute) and place of birth. Have fun!
