The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1682259
Posted By: *daylia*
01-Mar-06 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
K, I just checked my personal daily horoscope at that Astrodienst site. I find it quite accurate and insightful, most days. That's because the Astrodienst computer uses the person's complete, unique natal chart for the daily horoscope feature, and not just the sun sign.

Here's what it says for me, for today --- (I usually check it at night, so I can see how it may or may not have "fit" with the days events. And I've learned alot about astrology and come to have great respect for it as a result).

Phony issues ***

With this influence, you have to show other people that you are someone to be reckoned with. Or you may have to defend yourself against an attack from someone, whether or not you have provoked it. This influence is most likely to produce conflicts, anger and resentment. The best thing to do, if a conflict situation arises, is to have it out immediately. If you do not find a satisfactory outlet for your energies at this time, you will be easily angered, resentful, irritable and quick to take offense. If you must blow up at somebody, make sure that you understand the real source of the conflict, so that it can be aired. All too often, conflicts occur over phony issues that are only symbols of a much more profound problem."

HA! Having been duly warned, I'm outta here shortly. Not gonna waste time and energy over "phony issues" people really care nothing about except as a chance to argue!

But I will say this -- my ex is an identical twin, and I have identical twin sons. My ex and his twin are like peas in a pod -- they get along great, are very similar in taste and personality, have been very "close" all their lives. By contrast, my identical twin sons are quite dissimilar, do NOT get along very well. I always wondered about this, and what I found out when I did their 4 natal charts was quite interesting.

While both sets of twins have almost identical charts (of course), the 10 minute difference in my twin's birth-times put their Ascendants into different signs. So while both twins have Sun in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio, my older twin's Ascendant is in Scorpio, the younger in Sagittarius. ANd yes, there is and always has been quite the difference evident in their personalities! However, my ex and his identical twin DO have the same Ascendant (Leo) as well as the almost identical placement of sun, moon and planets seen in twin births. And they always have been more similar and got along MUCH better than my own.

And I say ... Vive la difference!