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Thread #87545   Message #1682403
Posted By: Arne
01-Mar-06 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
And more for Teribus, BeardedBruce, and all the other folks with their intellectual blinders on:

From a noted bestselling author on America's security agencies (as well as N.Y. Times reporter, investigative producer for ABC's World News Tonight and other credentials, we have James Bamford: "A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America's Intelligence Agencies".

While there's some big words in there, if Teribus would just read at a minimum chapters 11-13 (in particular, Chapter 12), he'll get all the documentation he wants (including references to sources) for the Dubya propaganda campaign (and Cheney's abuse in particular of the intellignece services). Also of note is Douglas Feith's uncomfortably cozy relationship with foreign powers (see the Afterword in the Anchor Books Edition), something that 'Martin Gibson" ought te read and respond to as well.

Bamford is hardly a "dove"; he's a pretty hard-boiled and even-handed observer of the intelligence communities (his other books, The Puzzle Palace and Body of Secrets are also quite interesting reading). In his latest, he points out the failings of the intelligence community in the wake of the cold war's demise, but tears to shreds the Dubya maladministration (and in particular Cheney's office) for their deliberate and -- in the end -- anti-American efforts to rewrite the geopolitical map of the Middle East in the service of Israeli hard-liners.

Included in the Pretext For War book is a blow-by-blow account of the propaganda campaign within the maladministration. If and when Teribus actually bothers to read and inform himself, it may be productive to once again "debate" him on the particulars....
