The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47133   Message #1683484
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
02-Mar-06 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?Obit1-09
Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?
I have read that article and it is what I believe happened. However, there are those ( not me) who think he got a bad rap. That is crap. I mean how bad is it to kill someone, go to jail for 6 months and carry on life as before. AS I said I have heard that he has said he only tapped her. What real facts are you speaking of???? I would love to have more to read but from all the searches I have done they all say about the same thing. I am familiar with this man and I dont have anything positive to say but there are those who think he is wonderful. I know he has a history of not paying taxes, losing the property and not informing his tenants thus getting every dime from them before they are left without a place to stay.