The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89237   Message #1683749
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
02-Mar-06 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: The tops in National Anthems
Subject: RE: Tune Add: The tops in National Anthems
The one that raises the hairs on the back of my neck is the Romanian one. I remember it from the last World Cup, and I reckon it was worth a goal up for the Romanian team in terms of morale.

There's an instrumental version on this site (Along with instrumental versions of almost all the other anthems around the world.)

But I'm not with ard mhacha about The Soldier's Song. It does the trick for me, anyway.

As for the Star Spangled Banner and it's being unsingable because of its spread of notes, I think if Americans think that way, and don't sing it when they get the chance, they are just being wimps. So what even if you can't make all the notes, other people will be able to make them, and you can make the notes they can't make. Isn't that kind of collaboration the sort of thing that is implied in a motto like "E pluribus unum".