The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89300   Message #1684125
Posted By: Micca
03-Mar-06 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Freda Underhill is it Friday in Sydney ?
Subject: RE: BS: Freda Underhill is it Friday in Sydney ?
Well, Happy Birthday to one of the nicest, cuddliest, most sane and witty people it has been my good fortune to meet!!! Come back and visit again soon Freda, Micca

"When snow transforms the hedgerow thorn
And frost engilds the berry
Good men and true the firelogs hew
And in the inns make merry
When singing all as with one voice
It seems the very walls rejoice
And merriment about does spring
When all men sing.

Let everyman so pitch his song
to help his neighbpour sing along
to each and all contentment bring
when all men sing"

(K.Scowcraft, Derek Gifford)