The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1684339
Posted By: *daylia*
03-Mar-06 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
K Bagpuss, here's your 1st choice. (I'm only posting the 1st 2 sections of each report, as they are quite loooooooooong and involved ...)

Sun in XXXX, Moon in Cancer

You were born with the Sun in XXXX and the Moon in Cancer. Your personality comes under the rulership of the Moon which indicates one who is attached to the comforts of his home life. You are friendly in manner and gesture. You are highly sensitive to nature and your surroundings. You should be careful not to fall under the influence of other people so readily.

You have the capacity to escape the confines of self and empathize fully with the feelings of others. The Moon in cancer always creates a personality overflowing with sensitivity and emotions. In order to feel secure it is very important that you have your family and social affairs completely settled and running smoothly.

Coming under the influence of the Sun in XXXXX, your core is intellectual, seemingly in opposition to your personality. Internally you are less emotional than appears by the role you have assumed in society. You need to have more determination and self-reliance in whatever you do.

The key to a better integration of your personality is to become more detached and independent of your family and home affairs and to acquire a more solid psychological focal point, so that you follow your goals with more determination.

Ascendant in Leo, Sun in the Eleventh House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Leo was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler the Sun is located in the eleventh house.

People with Leo in the Ascendant seem to possess a flair for the life of nobility and regality. Your life will be in many ways influenced by decisions you make that have been motivated by your pride, desire for power, for authority, and your need to convince others of your courage.

In life you will act with a rather frank, generous, and amiable disposition. The course of events in your life will unfold themselves swiftly, and a life full of chance and circumstances will be the outcome of your desire to rule, to organize, to hold the keys of authority. You should be aware that as a result of overly strong impulses there is the danger of failures and upsets in life. You will be generally regarded as an amiable, sincere and generous person who, however, has much pride and sensitivity. Egocentricity is one of the prices of being born with the Ascendant sign of Leo. Another aspect of this zodiacal sign is that your personality becomes excessively charged with passion and sexual desire. On the other hand, these zodiacal signs grant in life a large dose of vitality as well as a fine physical shape and a strong, healthy constitution.

Willpower is a characteristic of your personality. You seek opportunities and when you find them you go to it, using both your mind and your emotions to strive for success with zeal and determination. You are very self-assured and you implement ideas with a self- assurance that lets nothing get in your way of success.

It would be beneficial to you, however, if you were not so candid and frank and if you did not expect others to act and feel as you do.

Leo will grant you very sincere and affectionate relationships in which you desire to bring happiness and an overall feeling of charitable spirit and warmth to your loved one. In your sexual relationships you appear as happy, strong, playful and even a little innocent.

You will always act better as a leader than a subordinate.

This position denotes that friendships will have a direct bearing on all your important events. The position is rather favorable. You should obtain the sympathy and approval of superiors and persons of authority, or any of those who in some degree are more powerful than you are in your professional circle. Whatever profession you may be engaged in, you will rise due to your own inborn traits. You are very sociable, ambitious respectful, and attracted to conventional fashions and customs.
