The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89237 Message #1685668
Posted By: Scotus
05-Mar-06 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: The tops in National Anthems
Subject: RE: Tune Add: The tops in National Anthems
In my previous post (minus cookie - guest) about the Scottish anthem I was trying (obviously clumsily) to explain the the UK has an anthem which is shared by all its constituent nations, and that is 'God Save the Queen/King'. This was previously the English national anthem/song and contains a (little sung) verse asking God to protect us from 'those rebellious Scots'. So we (Scots) have a national anthem asking God to protect us from ourselves - a very presbyterian attitude, so rather appropriate!
So - Big Pink Lad - hardly surprising it should have been composed by an Englishman.