The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89386   Message #1686103
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
05-Mar-06 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: Oscars (2006)
Subject: RE: OSCARS
I agree with you to a point Jed. There are so many award ceremonies that have come along over the years, but I think it is important to remember that the Oscars were the first.

Sure, there is way too much pagentry and self-indulgence, and the campaigning for the awards are a joke. However, I think the Academy Awards are an important evening.   I am watching the ceremony as I type this. A few minutes ago they did a stirring tribute to films that have changed culture. I would argue that movies have become the ONE artform that truly makes a difference and gets people to think.   The tribute showed clips from films like Grapes of Wrath, On the Waterfront, Network, All the Presidents Men, The Defiant Ones, Inherit the Wind and many others.   For all the complaining, Hollywood has always found ways to tackle difficult subjects. For many people, these films have made changes in their thinking and has helped open doors. George Clooney said it best, in 1939 they gave an award to Hattie McDaniel when segragation was in full swing in this country.

The films nominated this year also cover some tough subjects and unfortunately they are not the blockbusters that draw people into theaters. Subjects such as the blacklist, censorship, racism and tolerance are tackled in these films. Perhaps if these awards introduce the films and serve as "commercials", then I think it is doing a wonderful thing and might make a difference.