The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89386   Message #1686622
Posted By: Scoville
06-Mar-06 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Oscars (2006)
Subject: RE: OSCARS
Mom and I watched the last little bit. I was impressed that there were so many good movies from which to choose--that doesn't always happen. Other than that, Oscars are sort of like voting for Prom Queen in high school; unless you have a real stake in it, you don't care. The great thing about TV is I can turn it off if I don't like it.

I liked Capote--that is, I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman did a great job even though I ended up not liking Capote the character at all. I didn't mind that it was a slow story. I thought the woman who played Harper Lee was good but I didn't really think she had enough of a part to justify an Oscar (Reese Witherspoon got it, anyway. I'm not sure I agree with that, either, but whatever).

I don't go to the movies much. I still haven't seen Good Night, and Good Luck but I really want to. I've always liked David Strathairn, and I couldn't stand George Clooney in his ER days but I've liked his movies much better. I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain and I don't even remember Crash. I would have liked to see Judi Dench get an award for something but oh, well.

And I love Wallace & Gromit, too.