The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89386   Message #1686844
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
06-Mar-06 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: Oscars (2006)
Subject: RE: OSCARS
John O'Lennaine---It is the Daily Show---and yes it is funny. Requires a different thing than hosting the Awards. Had he done it ( or been allowed to do it) the Daily Show way it would have been funny. He is, admittedly, not an MC---he is unique artist in his own right.

Doug R--I am guessing that the era of those you mentioned is over. For better or for worse---but, then again, Mozart, Beethoven, etc; are also long gone and music evolves. I was going to bet on anything by John Williams. Guess his time is over as well. Perhaps mine is too--and, perhaps, not too soon. Don't want to sound morbid, but there are generational issues here. Yet---I can relate to Stewart because of cleverness and sarcasm---can't relate to angry Rap---talking blues (its roots---in my opinion) was not that.   As I said-give the Acad. credit for widening their perspective---though I have to say I wonder (don't all take this the wrong way) who was voting and in what numbers and from what ethnicities---also from what commercial interests. Audience reaction to the music award seems to give a clue.

May I add a humble YO here. YO --I did not like any of the music but would have settled for Dolly and her sort of gospel like piece.

Bill Hahn