The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89386   Message #1686948
Posted By: Ron Davies
06-Mar-06 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Oscars (2006)
Subject: RE: OSCARS
I didn't see the whole thing--could only stand about 20 minutes, even with Jon Stewart--and I think he's the best thing to hit TV in several eons.

I wish he'd said a lot more--but what I did hear was pretty good. After the Academy's self-congratulatory --(their strong suit)-- melange of clips from Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, All the President's Men, To Kill A Mockingbird and others, Stewart noted that Hollywood had dealt in movies with racism, discrimination, corruption, war, hatred and some other issues. And he said something to the effect that, as a result, those problems are all gone.