The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88216   Message #1687473
Posted By: PoppaGator
07-Mar-06 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: RSVP Here for WYSIWYG's Last MudGather
Subject: RE: RSVP Here for WYSIWYG's Last MudGather
I mean, I do want to stop cleaning at some point and put some clothes on. :~)

So Susan ~ you're one of those weirdos who do all their housework nekkid? :^)

Seriously, though: I'm sorry to learn that this will be the final such gathering, and that I won't be able to attend. If I were still in involuntary exile in New Jersey, I might be able to make the trip, but we're back home in New Orleans ~ well, not quite "back home" in our own house, but back in town in temporary quarters ~ and we're plenty busy putting our lives back together.

The number of Mudcatters I've met in person remains stalled at a paltry three: Jed Marum, Ernest (from Berlin) and Bobert. Sooner or later, I'd sure like to show up somewhere where a bunch of y'all are getting together. Oh well, maybe someday...