The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1687609
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Mar-06 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
I agree. Nothing unreal exists (except as a unreal thoughtform can exist, and can affect people profoundly...but that's another whole discussion).

My definition of "life" is just more wide-ranging than yours, Clinton. I am not describing something that "doesn't exist" when I say that atoms and subatomic particles are alive. I'm talking about something that does exist, that has been observed, that behaves in an energetic fashion, forms coherent associations with other such particles, transmits and receives energy, and as far as I am concerned is alive.

Just because you don't think it's alive doesn't prove a darned thing.

There is no burden of proof on anyone, unless they say that you MUST believe as they do or you're wrong or crazy. I don't say that. It's perfectly all right with me if people don't believe atoms are alive or if they don't believe in astrology. What difference could it possibly make? I'm not so all right with them ceaselessly attacking and ridiculing anyone who DOES believe things they don't, though. I mean, what business is it of theirs to browbeat everyone else into their particular view of what is real and what isn't?

That's why I say that the real reason you show up on all these threads about the paranormal or the unusual is not because you're interested in the subject matter, but because you relish the thrill, the ego boost of being "right" at someone else's expense and making fun of them and telling them they're an idiot. You love it. Without people here who believed in things like religion, God, astrology, telepathy, angels, prayer, and a slew of other things like that you find ridiculous and unreal you wouldn't have your daily thrill of coming here to get your jollies by verbally pissing on people who happen to believe something you don't believe.

You'd get bored and probably go somewhere else where you could find someone else to pick on.

However, there will always be such people here, so I'm sure you'll stay. It's a symbiotic relationship. You are the kicker, they are the kick-ee. You're a lot like a born-again Christian. You just WILL not leave people alone if their beliefs don't match yours.