The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89412   Message #1688223
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
08-Mar-06 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: abortion south dakota
Subject: RE: BS: abortion south dakota
It may surprise many of you but I am pro choice.   I also believe Roe v Wade should be overturned.    I believe that 10 years ago abortion was a 50%/50% issue in the USA.   Today I believe it is more like 60% pro life and only 40% pro choice.   Most legitimate polls confirm that.

Therefore, since we are a republic, the will of the people should be followed.   If there was a national reforendum, I have no doubt that pro life would win.   How anyone could view following the will of the majority of the people as being a Nazi is beyond me.    (Same people who thought that Prince Harry dressing as a Nazi was a good idea)

If Roe is defeated, it reverts back to the States.   The concept that all woman will have to have back alley abortions in Mexico is rediculous.   Mexico doesn't have alleys.   Some States like NY or Vermont, or California will allow abortions.   Others won't.   I like that idea as people can choose to live in a state that follows their political or ideological leanings.