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Thread #3397   Message #16883
Posted By: Bruce O.
30-Nov-97 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Add: Ned of the Hill /Edmund of the Hills
Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: EDMUND OF THE HILLS (Lady Morgan)
DT only has three "Ned of the Hill" songs, so here's another.

From 'The Universal Songster', III, p. 77, 1828. I think Lady Morgan was still Sidney Owenson when the following was written, c 1805. Her father, the Irish singer Robert Owenson (Mac Eoghain), had sung the Gaelic version, "Emhun uh Chnuick", in a Dublin concert in 1778. (He also sang Drimindown, in DT, at the same concert). Incidently, Oliver Cromwel died in 1658, and had nothing to do with the Irish war of 1690-1, and can't be connected in any way to Edmund Ryan, who is said to have died in 1724.

Edmund of the Hills
[Translated from the Irish.]
(Lady Morgan.)

Ah! who is that whose thrilling tones
Still put my tranquil sleep astray;
More plaintive than the wood-dove's moans,
And send my airy dreams away?
'Tis I! 'tis Edmund of the hills,
Who puts thy tranquil sleep astray,
Whose plaintive song of sorrow thrills,
And sends thy airy dreams away.

Here, nightly, through the long, long year,
My heart, with many a love-pang wrung,
Beneath thy casement, ever dear,
My sorrow and thy charms I've sung;
Thine eye is like the moon's soft ray,
Tinted with the evening's faded blue;
Its first glance stole my heart away,
And gave its every wish to you.

Like a soft gloomy cloud thine hair,
Tinged with the setting sun's warm rays,
And lightly o'er thy forehead fair
In many a spiry ringlet plays.
O, come, then, rich in all thy charms,
For Eva I'm as rich in love,
And, panting, in my circling arms,
I'll bear thee to old Thuar's grove.

T:Yemon O Knock (Ned of the Hill)
N:Oswald's Caledonian Pocket Companion, bk. 11, c 1760
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