The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88216   Message #1689612
Posted By: SharonA
09-Mar-06 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: RSVP Here for WYSIWYG's Last MudGather
Subject: RE: RSVP Here for WYSIWYG's Last MudGather
Carnsarn it, I'm afraid I have to stay around these parts this weekend. As MMario says, life has happened. I've got a band rehearsal Friday (and we need the rehearsal since one member has been away for a month, and we've got spring and summer performances coming up!). Then I've got a live radio-show gig first thing Monday morning, for which I have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed so as not to mess up the songs I'm harmonizing on and not make my good friend the lead singer (who is the featured songwriter) angry.

So I really can't afford to tucker myself out driving 6 hours upstate on Saturday, jamming Saturday afternoon and evening and night, and driving 6 hours back on Sunday. I was hoping to make it a longer weekend without obligations to rush back to, but that didn't happen. I was hoping that some other Mudcatters from the Philly area would be going and that I could carpool (and nap in the car) but that hasn't materialized. I know, I sound like a wimp, but it's only because I am! I have some health problems I have to be mindful of (lupus, sarcoidosis, colitis) -- my immune system hates me -- so I have to avoid getting stressed and fatigued in order to avoid flare-ups. And, for me, travel equals stress plus fatigue!

I'm very sorry I won't be there. I'll be thinking of you all, and hoping Susan and Hardi will change their minds and have another MudGather sometime in the future. Have fun this weekend!
