The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89365   Message #1689614
Posted By: ifor
09-Mar-06 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: MI5 monitored Ewan MacColl
Subject: RE: MI5 monitored Ewan MacColl
"The revolution was nothing what came after was the real business"Ifor
The October Revolution was a cataclysmic event of the great political and social dramas of this or any other age.For a brief period the working class of one country was able to overthrow their bosses and take power.And this came during a war which was like a slaughter house right across the Europe from Russia to Flanders.And it was an international event that inspired millions to the revolutionary cause including Ewan McColl.
Revolutionary Russia was blockaded,attacked and starved and its revolutionary bolshevik party veterans almost killed off in the turmoil defending the Revolution at the front against the Tsarist and foreign armies.
Lenin died in exhausted in 1924 [?] and it was left to Trotsky to conduct a battle against Stalin and to defend the Revolution against what Stalin had in store [ie forced industrialization and the gulags etc]
The Revolution was betrayed and of course what came after was dependent on what occured in those few years of hope and despair.Storming the very gates of heaven indeed!