The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89526   Message #1689743
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
09-Mar-06 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Edge - What we believe but cannot prove
Subject: RE: BS: Edge - What we believe but cannot prove
The title---"What we believe but cannot prove"! -- as I've formerly opined in other threads, to me, really, only means wishful thinking.

Instead of saying that what I and a bunch of others in our group believe to be true actually IS the truth, it sure does seem that we ought not go there. To go overboard, or even slowly forward, and force our not very finalized preliminary thought processes on others is not a road that respects others at all. Doing that, as we've so often seen, can cause serious injury or death to large populations of people in the name of our god, our ideology, or our political system.

There's an ancient city hidden deep beneath the waves,
It was founded on the principles of justice---
And the sweat of slaves,
And I heard all about it
In a New Age gospel hymn,
But I ain't never gonna bathe in any water...
Where the fish won't swim!

"Old Coyote"
a wonderfully ingightful song by the late Al Grierson

It's very sad how misguided half-baked ideas are foisted on this world by well-meaning morons who never had a clue---but they did have the power and/or the votes. A huge majority with moronic ideas will often get it's way over the weaker minority. But the foisted ideas will still be bad ones.

That's not very democratic, but it is true. And I've stated my case here by proclaiming how it can be proven true.

