The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32874   Message #1689761
Posted By: Anonny Mouse
09-Mar-06 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: Kingston trio--a place in history
Subject: RE: Kingston trio--a place in history
Back from the dead again-saw the topic in a batch of lyric requests, read thru it, blah blah. Maybe it's been hashed and rehashed too just wonderin' whatcha all think...

I read of Bob Shane's heart problem and his forced retirement after what-47 years as the vocal anchor of the KT. Reynolds is alive but has I guess had some hip replacement problems; Guard of course passed. Stewart is still writing-geez he turned out to be prolific-and in a Google search I see he's got a new CD just out. Kinda America's balladeer now...dunno. Anyways seems like with Shane, Reynolds and Stewart all still alive you'd think they'd deserve some kinda lifetime Grammy or something-like they just did at the Oscars for Altman. I think its best when the one(s) getting honored are around to accept it. So whaddya think? Maybe or maybe not a place in history (for ME definitely!-long story) but is there some kinda honor out there that would be appropriate? Anyone ever do anything like that for the Weavers or Seeger or Woody (I see where Springsteen is doing a tribute CD to Seeger-guess he turns 87 soon).

Seems like these guys at least deserve a nod and since there's no originals left in whos ever touring out there (Grove being the senior of the group now) SOMETHING should be done. I just got no idea from who or where? I know this place is pretty polarized on groups like the KT and PP&M and "gen-u-ine FOLK music"- but lotsa people said they'd never have gotton into the latter without the former.