The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89541   Message #1690222
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Mar-06 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
Subject: RE: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
Members of the RCMP have been spotted hovering and loitering around the Legion Hovel here. When, in a rare display of cooperation, representatives of the local police, the country sheriff's office, the Secret Service and the FBI approached the RCMP and asked what was going on they were told that "a load of contraband Labatt's and Moosehead" was suspected. They satisfied the US authorities that their mission was condoned by the US Department of Justice as part of an international counter-terrorism pact between Canada and the US.

One member of the local police suggested that wearing scarlet coats and Smokey-Bear hats while on horseback on stake-out wasn't good police practice, but the FBI and the Secret Service could find nothing wrong with it.

Visitors to the Legion Hovel have been using the side door.