The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89541 Message #1690622
Posted By: gnu
11-Mar-06 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
Subject: RE: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
As sIx pointed out, I was in Saint Andrew's by the Sea on the day in question. Unfortunately, I wasn't at the liquor store and the, ah, er, farmers I visited in the near, mountainous regions close to the Maine border do not allow video or still cameras near their, ah, er, farms.
On a related note, an eight hour stand-off occured yesterday on West Main Street in Moncton. A gunman walked into the Econolodge Hotel Bar and ordered the janitor and the barkeep out. Then, he drew down on a VLT (Video Lottery Terminal) player and said, "I was playing that machine before I went for a piss and you saw me put my beer on that stool. Get the fuck away from MY machine." The patron obliged, but is thought to have exited rather than moving to another VLT.
RCMP rushed to the scene and cordoned off the area. They, of course, ended the police line just before Tim Horton's. And,yup, it's true, set up a Media Control Centre in Tim's. (As if they needed the extra business.) The standoff ended with a surrender and no shots fired. I figure, either buddy ran out of coin for the VLT, or Tim's ran out of doughnuts for the Queen's Cowboys.
Boy George? Maybe with some makeup and a fashionable hat.