The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89541   Message #1690924
Posted By: gnu
11-Mar-06 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
Subject: RE: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
Yup. Yer BC Green and yer SenseAmillions ain't shit ta what the Yankee draft dodgers from the conflict got in the hills a New Brunswick. I ain't been to it in a dog's age, but, them there dogs can bark. And sang. Some serious Bluegreass and Trad and Country.

Now, some may say, that's tellin the Yellow Stripes. Ain't no matter. They know. They just wish they had such a green thumb, so's the government could grow somethin worth buyin. Then, they could tax it. As it is, they can't tax the tunes that come out of the hills. Thank goodness!!!

See ya next Saturday from 2 ta 5 PM! Rosin up eh!!