The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89541 Message #1691099
Posted By: GUEST
12-Mar-06 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
Subject: RE: BS: The RCMP needs your assistance
Insp. Hackattack has been cleared of all corruption charges except for taking free Tim Horton doughnuts at several NB outlets. For that he was demoted to constable and spent 3 months following the Musocal Ride with a pushbroom. He was then assigned to Carmanville Newfoundland with orders to re-open and solve the cold case file of the Aunt Martha's Sheep murder. When that is complete he will return to NB to investigate grow opps in them thar hills. He is really pissed off at number 6 and his friends as he suspects them of finking on him about Tim Hortons. He says it was a "red herring" to get him off of the St Andrews Tulip Bed case. He says if he catches you guys smoking tulip petals or anything stronger you'll all be invited by The Queen to vacation at Dorchester Castle.