The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32874   Message #1691343
12-Mar-06 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: Kingston trio--a place in history
Subject: RE: Kingston trio--a place in history
So I takes it from the responses or lack thereof you folks think this group deserves NO FORMAL RECOGNITION AT ALL???? C'mon. Who here doesn't owe SOMETHING TO the KINGSTON TRIO, EH? (Yes I'm a Cannuck!). Up here in Alberta...where men are men and winters turn some men into women hahahaha...(just kidding you men and WOMEN)...that KT GROUP made many a folklorest and player and devotee. I say give 'em a lifetime achievement or something. You ever see how many of your tunes go BACK to them, or what they DID with them? EH? EH?