The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89491   Message #1691345
Posted By: Purple Foxx
12-Mar-06 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: Icons of Englishness?
Subject: RE: Icons of Englishness?
"...the English DON'T.To the English..." You seem to believe that England is the Spiritual home of consensus Bert.
How many people did you actually consult with before concluding that there was a uniformity of thought share by upwards of 49m people on these issues?
If you insist on reducing an entire Nation to a National stereotype then it strikes me that you don't really have cause for complaint if SOME English People respond in kind.
"Quot homines,tot opiniones."
As they used to say in the City State of which England was an Imperial possession.
Which status it had for longer than it was an Imperial power.