The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62649   Message #1691580
Posted By: Naemanson
12-Mar-06 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: Mountain Guitars (japanese 70's brand)
Subject: RE: Mountain Guitars (japanese 70's brand)
Here is what my brother-in-law has to say about Mountain guitars. Please excuse his English, he is still learning that language.

By the way, about the Mountain Guitars. Because my memory about it was ambiguous, I investigated it. The catalog is up-loaded to the following URL:

The name of company was Hayashi musical instrument Ltd. They produced mainly the copy of Martin and Guild to early 80's from the middle of 70's. The builder that produces many of them was Mr.Yasuo Momose. Now, Mr.Momose is most famous guitar builder in Japan. He produces the original handmade guitar on the high end guitar brand named Headway.

There was an excellent cost performance in the Mountain guitar. Because they made exact products from good materials, popularity is still kept. However, because the production period was short, the number is a little. But, the price is low. The price is different in the condition and the model. It might be from 100 to about 300 dollars. I will inform you if I find it.