The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1691763
Posted By: Gervase
13-Mar-06 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Mercury (symbolising communication, inter alia)is retrograde. So hardly surprising.

Nah - the thread hasn't drifted at all. The question was asked and plenty of answers have been given. If thread drift equates to people saying things with which you don't agree then, er...
The gist, for most sensible people, is that astrology is complete cobblers but the simple-minded and gullible cling on to it because people like that have a need to believe in something.
As for Mercury being retrograde - what about absolute twaddle! Mercury is 'retrograde' insofaras it appears to be going backwards. That is an optical illusion caused by the rotation of the Earth. If the thread appears to be taking an unacceptable direction or 'drifting', I suggest that it's more to do with a reaction to retrograde thinking than planetary motion.
However - so as not to sound too cynical - as the heavenly matron seems to have given astrologers a chit excusing them any divination until the 27th, I eagerly await the bombshell that will surely materialise after that date which will prove once at for all the validity of astrology.