The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88170   Message #1691777
Posted By: Raggytash
13-Mar-06 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: Runswick Bay 'Do' (11 March 2006)
Yet another great night, full room and much diverse music, some trad, some modern, some flamingo, some Irish, some blue grass and some plain daft. I hope I can say everyone had a good night, we started about 7.40 and finished up approaching 2am !!
The bonus is that we raised £500 (Five hundred pounds) for the Rescue Boat a fabulous sum of money with one or two more donations promised in addition.
I would like to say a HUGE thank you to who came and played and sing and helped create a great night.
Finally a big thank you to Soldier Boy, the Bodhran he donated auctioned for £60 the only down side of that is the new owner is coming on holiday with me to Ireland shortly and is taking it with them !!
Once again thank you to one and all
