The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89627   Message #1692035
Posted By: sharyn
13-Mar-06 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Demystify basic mixing
Subject: RE: Tech: Demystify basic mixing
Thanks, punkfolkrocker and Micheal R. The link was helpful and I will do more reading on that site. I am an acoustic musician, however, and it did seem a bit focused on bands and heavy instruments (drums, bass). My tracks are a capella vocals, vocals with simple guitar accompaniment, vocals with guitar and banjo, a few harmony tracks here and there.

My biggest problem is that I like the raw vocals and I hate them when they are mixed: in the raw, I sound like me, with a lot of dynamic range and tone color -- there is a vibrance and "edge" to the vocals that I like. When the tracks are mixed, I sound like a Barbie doll and all of the excitement has been blah-ed out of the performance.

I hesitate to bring in other recordings because I have very wide tastes within the acoustic music spectrum and I don't want to sound like anyone else -- I want to sound like the best of me.

Any ideas?