The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89613   Message #1693076
Posted By: Windsinger
14-Mar-06 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day
Subject: RE: BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day
Honestly, most of the wankerish behavior comes from Americans of non-Irish descent, who have only observe the holiday because it's an excuse to get shitfaced by piggybacking off of someone else's ethnic pride. (Ex: What other reason do my Polish, Italian or Korean neighbors have to feel compelled to celebrate this particular holiday?)

A similar situation arises over Cinco de Mayo -- a day which most Mexicans could give a hoot about.

Having said that, you might find that a surprising amount of Amerians of Irish descent ARE in touch with their roots, and respectably and intelligently so. (And yes, some of us were so WELL before the fads of the 90's.)

Remember, the 17th only became a raging big deal in the States because of homesick immigrants and their offspring. Being that the Irish made up an enormous segment of the immigrant population in this coutry, it is not surprising that the phenomenon snowballed to its current size.

I can understand some eyeball-rolling at thematic cheesiness from people who don't "get it"...but for those of us who DO, kindly let us hoist a pint in peace?

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh (in advance).
