The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89725   Message #1694371
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
15-Mar-06 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies
Subject: RE: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies
Is spent some time in the SCA some time ago... I met a few very nice, interesting creative people who enjoyed the hobby....

But the raging majority were mouth breathing nerds with ZERO social skills and even less concept of hygiene...

But I've found the same to be true of most (if not all) 'pursuits' or 'diversions'... some few people can take them out of the box on a Sunday afternoon, enjoy them for what they are for a few hours, and put them away and continue on in their real life.... Others seem so devoid of or alien to 'real life', they have to live IN THE BOX 24/7....

So that they've finally targetd them for so called "Reality TV"... fnneeah....   Maybe at the very least it'll help them get new members