The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89725   Message #1694389
Posted By: Windsinger
15-Mar-06 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies
Subject: RE: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies

Could be that this family are complete fantasists or are being wilfully represented in the belief that this "makes good Television"

Believe me, there is much speculation about that among SCAdians at the moment. :/

Apparantly the father and mother of the family in question are now in contact with one of our online forums. They claim that in places the TV show grossly edited the footage so that things appear way out of context, and that in other places the writers and/or narrator flat-out lied (ex: about them not having phones because they're "out of period"), all to make them look a little more extremist.

When pressed to the point, though, the couple backs down claiming their are legally bound not to disclosing the full extent of how much of the show was sheer fabrication.

BTW How is "Medieval" defined in the U.S.?

Probably the same as it is the U. K. . Correctly, by those that care to crack the spine on a few books; incorrectly, by those who have no interest in doing so. ;)

Serisouly, though. As for our organization, it "officially" promotes study of the Dark Ages, Middle Ages and the Renaissance. So pretty much anything from the fall of Rome to the Baroque years is fair game.

