The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89725 Message #1695194
Posted By: Scoville
16-Mar-06 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies
Subject: RE: BS: Reenactors vs. Mere Loonies
"Who's read "Confederates in the Attic?"; it's largely about civil war enactors. I cracked up at the description of a guy who prided himself on his ability to "bloat" when lying dead on the battlefield, but regretted that he couldn't extent the effect to his limbs. "
I haven't read this yet--my brother owns it and I have to go steal it from him--but I'm dying of laughter. We used to see bumper stickers that said: "Civil War Reenacting: It's not a hobby, it's a way of life".
GregF.--not disagreeing with you at all (I've known those guys, too) but I've also known guys who were driven out of reenacting, changed regiments, changed historical periods, or went civilian because they kept getting calls from said Neo-Confederates who were looking for anti-government groups. It was a sad loss for the hobby (lifestyle, whatever) when that happened.