The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89208   Message #1695202
Posted By: *daylia*
16-Mar-06 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
Subject: RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe?
If you knew just enough to be totally ignorant, you'd realise that those charts ("Mars in the charts of military career people - 158") are totally meaningless. Correlation is a number that varies between 1 (totally related) though 0 (totally unrelated) to -1 (exactly the opposite). It never has values like 158.

Paul, thank you so much. Due to your kindness and goodwill toward me, plus your vast knowledge and lifetime of experience with this subject, be it known that I am now convinced. I'm throwing away all my astrology books, burning my natal chart, and I will never say a word like "Aries" or "Gemini" again in my life.

Yup. I just deleted the shortcut to Astrodienst from my desktop too. Halleluiah! What a relief. You've utterly convinced me, Paul! ANd I owe you my very life.

All HAIL to the mighty God Science!! May It continue to reign over us all, dictating our every thought, action, and imagining forevermore!! Oh, to be endlessly showered, every day, with the many, many comforts, the perfect knowledge and all the miraculous blessings of science and technology!

And oh -- the absolute BLISS of never having to be bothered to come up with original, creative, subjective, independent and unscientifically demonstrable ideas, opinions, thoughts or feelings again!

Someday, now that I've cast aside the atrocious, horrific shackles of astrology, I may even aspire to become just as wonderful, caring, convincing, friendly, insightful, brilliant, well-versed, knowledgeable, logical and highly original as, say, ClintonHammond or Gervase!

Hey, I might even make *Pothole Grade* before this earthwalk is over! YIPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!