The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89687   Message #1695794
Posted By: Dave'sWife
16-Mar-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Isaac Hayes Quits
Subject: RE: BS: Isaac Hayes Quits
Susan - don't thank me too quickly. You pointed out something in your post that makes your calling anyone in this thread an apologist for scientology sorely mistaken.

Neither Amos nor I ever tried to defend the things Scientology believes in. Rather, we defended their right to freely associate with like-minded people without being accused of en masse dementia. We defended the rights of adults to choose to believe in something that might seem disturbing or weird to their communities and families - all rights deeply embedded within the US Constitution.

Here's my problem with apostasy in any religion in a nutshell - and apostasy is another one of those terms that gets horribly misused by people in the Anti-Cult movement. An Apostate is not someone who has merely left a faith but someone who goes to a great deal of trouble and effort to either try and seek the utter demise of the faith they left or to actively dissuade current members to leave through various means, often as questionable as any means used to convert new members.

The way I see it, if a religion, sect, faith etc is something you grow to feel is no longer for you - why not walk away, send a letter of disassociation to make the break and then go walk with "god" on your path to enlightenment? Why dedicate your life to the destruction of something you don't believe in? Just asking.

The organized groups that are "against" a particular faith be it Christian Science, Catholicism, Scientology Jehovah's Witnesses, Hare Krishna, WICCA, Neo-Paganism, Amway, etc etc are virtually New Religious Movements in their own right. To belong, you must adhere to a stated set of belief which includes that your former beliefs are wrong and evil. To defy the 'order' of the anri-faith group is to be 'excommunicated' from that group. Smells like religion to me.

If I were an "apologist" for Scientology, I would have to be telling you that what they believe is either true or rational or valid. I've said no such thing. All I've said is that I know dozens, maybe even hundreds of Scientologists and that I have not once seen the legendary stuff referred to in this thread. I've further stated that NO scientologist has ever tried to 'program' me despite having had me in their "evil clutches" for days at a time while vacationing at the Manor Hotel or on long trips I've taken with those Scientologist friends. My Sea Org friends have never tried to kidnap me and take me to sea either. Am I so special that they wouldn't dare? I doubt it.

Enough of that -

Littlehawk - I would LOVE to talk to you real time about any experiences you had with members of The Process. I have been making field recordings of stories people tell about The Proceess or about Processians for over 20 years. I am espeically interested in any experiences any one had at one of their ceremonies, at any visits to Processian sponsored Cafes in Toronto, NY, Boston, New Orleans, San Francisco and Los Angeles. I would be very intrested in any recordings of any music performed at such cafes.

If you can recall any of the names of Processians that would be fabulous. They used to adopt names such as 'Brother Ely' 'Sister Hecate" and so on. Having the Process names of people helps me trace the evolution of the group during their travels. Their records were largely destroyed in 1974.

My goal is to publish a serious acadamic work on the history of The Process, their specific liturgy prior to the 1974 rift and to trace the various factions' evolution following the great rift. The serious study done of The Process is woefully subjective. Bainbridge, the author, was virtually a member while he travelled with them and he obsured the identities of his 'subjects' in a lame effort to claim academic distance. He was not objective and his observations stopped shrotly after 1974.

Anyone here can help me will have my assurance that I will assign you coded names in the event that you have concerns about being identified. Many people who encountered the Process in the late 60s and early 70s mistakenly believed them to be Satanists and so are often scared to talk about them.

I am especially interested in an offshoot of The Process which sprung up in Yonkers, White Plains and Brewster NY in the mid-1970s. They were Neo-Pagan in nature and had some connection to a few well-known rock musicians. Anyone with info, please PM me. Again, confidences will be kept. I already have an academic publisher interested - this will not be a smear campaign although I will be covering some unsavory aspects of the Brewster group and clashes with law enforcement.

Thanks. Forgive my typos please. The mere prospect of getting new info on The Process and Process splinter groups overwhelmed me with excitement.