The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89777   Message #1695919
Posted By: Paul Burke
17-Mar-06 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bring Down The Government
Subject: RE: BS: Bring Down The Government
Parties should be funded by the subscriptions of individual members. One subscription per member, one rate only. A basic state election allowance for all parties at a flat rate for all that meet a threshold of paid-up membership.

PR on the basis of first and second (and even third) choice votes.

An election every year at a set date for a third of MPs (odd years) and Lords (even years) with 3 member constituencies.

The abolition of the Official Secrets Act, or at least great restrictions on it. A presumption that all information should be in the open, and that companies trying to get state business can not plead "commercial confidentiality". The opening of archives.

Government advisers to have a duty of impartiality, with long jail/ community service sentences for bent MPs/Lords/ civil servants.

The return to the progressive income tax system (one for you, nineteen for me)- a top limit on earnings. Prevent the development of the ueberklasse of the immune.

I won't go on.