The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89803   Message #1696528
Posted By: Barry Finn
17-Mar-06 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: There's Nothing to Equal Life on the Sea
Subject: Lyr Req: Nothing To Equal Life On The Sea
Hi All
I recorded this from an old Cape Horner George Herbert of West Geelong, Australia back in 79. I'm planning on recording it on a CD but before I do I'm been trying to find out if this is complete or weither there may be another verse or 2 ending it. The title I give is mine, George never said what it was called. Here it is.
"There's Nothing To Equal The Life On The Sea"

                   There's Nothing To Equal The Life On The Sea

There's nothing to equal the life on the sea
To ra la ra, to ra la re
The winds on the ocean are blowing so free
To ra la ra, O re
We've sailed from harbors to harbors to ports
The girls are all pretty where ever we are
To ra la re, to ra la re, to ra la re, O re

In Hamburg last summer, a wonderful place
To ra la re, to ra la re
I met a young girl with the loviest face
To ra la re, O re
She stood there all smiling her cheeks rosy red
And I wished she was mine as I nodded my head

I quickly embraced her she did the same
And I said to that maiden, pray what is your name
Marie is my name, pray what is yours
I see you're a sailor, a brave one of course

She went to her father with tears in her eyes
Her face was so plaid, sad were her sighs
I just met a sailor, I'll love him all my life
And if you'll permit me, I will be his wife

I sat there & hiccupped there with her dad
My cap was on crooked, my breath it was bad
Your trade there young fellow, what is your trade
And if I'll permit you, will you love this young maid

From Cardiff I come from, I don't have a sou
But then I could borrow a dollar from you
For the life of a sailor is damned on to me
Nothing will equal your daughter to me

Thanks everyone