The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3382   Message #16971
Posted By: rastrelnikov
01-Dec-97 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: Anger songs
I tried to post this last night but couldn't reconnect to Mudcat OH NO! Wow. I've just looked at Nell Flaherty's Drake. Wonderful. I hope I like the tune. Midi sounds so awful on my machine that it's difficult to tell so far.

From last night...


That bit about bitter songs towards women was a non sequiter. ...except that for angry songs, I always think of a nameless Welch song I once heard on The Thistle and Shamrock (NPR) which was chilling, unintelligble to me, and sung by a woman.

I think Follow Me Up to Carlow would also have that chilling, dangerous tone, even if you could not understand a word of English. (new thread)

Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Sounds like LOTS of people can think of LOTS of angry tunes...


Mean Talking Blues sounds like the sort of song I'm looking for. I'll have to give it a hunt, then see if anyone I know can sing it for me :)


The text to Revolution is MARVELOUS. So is the site. The direct link to the song is: I think I might buy Live in Edinburgh. I have Handful of Dust on vinyl and have recently come to appreciate it. Kudos to Dick Gaughan. I'll have a look back at his site later.

Bill D.: Wow. That Orangeman's song could certainly be chilling. I wonder why the Whiskey in the Jar chorus didn't die off as the song was passed along?

Judy: Thanks for the translations added to the German Laddie song. (Reminds me of Banks of Sicily -- does one sing the better version, or does one sing the Clancy's version that people can understand...see new thread). I'm currious to know whether it is SUNG angrily though. For example, you mention Mrs. McGrath. I've only heard Pete Seeger sing it (Mr. This machine surrounds hatred and forces it to surrender), and his version is very far from spittin' angry.

Leprechan: Re. taking the horse from between his legs. Here's one version, only a vague idea where it came from. It certainly never got angry. More triumphantly clever.

One Cold Morning

Come listen awhile and I'll sing you a song
Of three merry gentlemen riding along
They spied a fair maid and to her did say,
We're afraid that this morning will do you some harm

Her glance took them in, as well their black horses
A young lord's fine clothes and large purse, she espied
She saw his rough spurs and his finely-made pistol
She saw his black whip and his laughing, hard eyes

Oh, no, kind sir, said the maid, you're mistaken
To think this cold morning will do me some harm
There's one thing I crave and it lies twixt your legs
If you'll give me that, it will keep me warm

Well then since you want it, my dear, you shall have it
If you'll come with me to yonder green tree
Then, since you want it, my dear you shall have it
I'll make these two gentlemen witness to be

So smiling, she led him away from his fellows
And coyly, she led him 'round by the green tree
Saying, now we're alone, I'd feign have my present
Dismount from your horse, and give it to me

So the gentlemen lighted and straightway she mounted
And looking the gentleman straight in the face
Saying you knew not my meaning, you wrong understood me
And away she went galloping down the long lane

Oh, gentlemen, lend me one of your horses,
That I may ride after her down the long lane
If I overtake her, I warrant I'll make her
Return unto me, my own horse again

But soon as this fair maid she saw him a comin'
His finely-made pistol, she did take in hand
Saying doubt not my skill that you I would kill
I'd have you stand back or you are a dead man

So why must we spend our time here in talking?
And why must we spend our time here in vain?
Come give her a guinea, it's what she deserves
And I warrant she'll give you your horse back again

Oh no, kind sirs, you are vastly mistaken
His horse and provisions I do justly claim
He did give more but for now, he may keep it
And away she went galloping down the long lane