The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89834   Message #1697188
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Mar-06 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
Subject: RE: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
So am I, sIx. I didn't know about until I drove past our local college, today. There were a few people standing on all four corners of the busiest intersection in town. I was glad to see them. My son and I had just been talking about this and then, there they were. It did my heart good to see them, but I wish it had been more publicised. I dont' get any of the local papers as they are mostly worthless; the local tv news is sorely lacking in anything which could potentially be controversial; and, there are no orgs. in this part of Colorado which are close enough to belong to. This is the one instance where I can see the Internet does not provide enough in local interest.

FWIW, I asked my son why he thought we didn't have more of a protest movement. He said every Republican he knew, in several areas of the nation, cannot stand Bush, are angry about Iraq, but he doesn't knwo why they don't do something about it. I said, I hoped they would vote Democratic come next Nov. He said he doubted any of them would ever do so,'s like a stand-off of apathy as near as I can see. Bush has them paralysed with his fear-mongering.


PS. The American Friends Service League is doing what they can.