The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89687   Message #1697450
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Mar-06 - 01:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Isaac Hayes Quits
Subject: RE: BS: Isaac Hayes Quits
Oh, they do indeed, Peace. That's why you find that more than a few of their core members are pretty well off. They'd never have been able to afford it if they hadn't been.

I should've added Vedanta people (a good many of them) to that list of open-minded types. Vedanta, in general, is the body of teachings referred to as Hindu by some people. Some of the basic principles:

reincarnation, karma, eternal soul existence through many embodied lives, different levels of spiritual existence for the discarnate souls, meditation, the many forms of yoga, self-realization (by stilling the chattering mind you arrive at the Self...the original and far greater consciousness that is beyond the mind and which the mind is simply a temporary small extension of). The common mistake of the mind is: it thinks it is the whole conscious self...the ruler of the person it is attached to. It isn't. It's a fragment of the whole conscious self. The whole conscious Self can be termed "God"...if you wish to call it that. A person like Jesus, entitled "Christ", is an example of a person who became conscious at that level. That level is synonymous with God. Everyone is God, potentially...but they have not realized it, and they are not living at their full potential because they have not realized it. If they did realize it, they would be at once totally happy, totally loving, totally at peace, and totally effective.

I have seen one such person so far in this entire life. One. I've seen a handful of others that were at least part way there...far enough so you could notice it. Me? I'm not even close...but I've seen it, like you might see a mountaintop in the distance. I don't know if I'll ever get there in this life. I doubt it, frankly. I'm too lazy. You don't get there without working hard for it.