The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89834   Message #1697632
Posted By: Bobert
19-Mar-06 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
Subject: RE: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
Having attended all of the major Washington DC protests (except 1) during Bush's mad-dask-to-Iraq, yeah, I did notice that the media wouldn't tell the truth about the numbers or print photographs that were intended to show just how many folks were involved... The media also gave the pro-Bush-hawks, irregardless of their small numbers almost equal press...

But there's something else going on here that effects the numbers of folks willing to egt in their cars or on buses at unGodly eraly hours to attend a protest and that is the demise of democracy itself on the federal level under Bush. Not only did these crooks steal their way into power but once there they have shown time and again that they couldn't care less for folks opionions other then theirs...

I'll be the first to admit that it has become very disheartening to try to effect any change on national policy in the US because the federal governemnt is completely out of touch...

Yeah, like I have pointed out, looks as if change in America is going to occur from the local governemnts up... Too bad it is this way... During the Viet nam war we always felt that folks in DC were concerned about getting re-elected but the federal system is so corrupted that 90% of folks there don't have to worry too much about that as long as they stroke their corporate buddies...

No, this is not a good excuse for not attending anti-war rallies but I believe it to an underlieing cause of the more apathetic culture that has set in in the country...
