The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89890   Message #1698648
Posted By: Arnie
20-Mar-06 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: Help! Folk website not on search engine
Subject: Help! Folk website not on search engine
Well, I decided it was about time that the Friday Folk Club, Deal had it's own website instead of piggybacking the Kent Folk site. Having persuaded my computer-literate son to set up the site, using as a webhost, I thought I'd be able to find the site using a search engine - but no such luck. As the site was set up about 3 wks ago, I thought it may have just appeared on the search engines but now suspect that something more is required. Any suggestions? - other local folk club websites appear on Google and other search engines, but not ours. By the way, if you want to view it, inc. some pics, it's at A bit amateur but I think it does the job....