The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89891   Message #1698690
Posted By: Azizi
20-Mar-06 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: You know that it's Spring when...
Subject: RE: BS: You know that it's Spring when...
Here's a link if you are interested in reading about the origin and meaning of The Vernal Equinox

And here's an excerpt from that website:

"To the elders of the Olde Way, these times, equinoxes, were markers in which seeds would be planted and then harvested. The first of these, the Spring or Vernal Equinox occurs on or about March 21st.

The ancient goddess, Eostre, a Saxon deity who marked not only the passage of time but also symbolized new life and fertility, was the key symbol of this celebration which was also known as Ostara. Legend has it that the goddess was saved by a bird
whose wings had become frozen by the cold of winter.

This process turned the bird into a hare. Yet this was no ordinary cottontail; this long-eared rabbit could also lay eggs!

The main symbols for Easter are the egg, for new life or beginnings, and the rabbit/hare, for fertility".